For those of you who haven't met him, this is Xray. He occupies the third shelf from the top behind my bed. I lost track of time today and never took a photo so I decided it was the perfect opportunity to introduce you to my pretty little fishy, Xray.
Squishy is on the second from the top behind my bed. I think he's lonely without his friends-- and one night stand
haha!!!one night stand haha LOL fishy and squishy forever!
X-ray if so much prettier than the fish here, can't even remember this ones name!!!! Bad mommy..... Hunter is taking very good care of him, btw. Love the posts, and hello from Mamma Klein to my long lost other daughter Kate if you are reading. I REALLY miss not having both of you around. The house just seems WAYYYYYYYYYY to quiet all the time:( I am enjoying working on your scrapbook though and remembering all those fun times with Kate back in the day. Love you both.
if i remember correctly you used to say you couldn't wait for me to be out of the house so you could have a peaceful/quiet house again :)
haha, yes i recall that statement as well! MISS YOU TOO MAMA KLEIN! I wanna come visit soon for sure!
um excuse me mom but our fish is so much more amazing than x-ray...herbert hoover is magical. miss u kate
miss you too huntie. too bad im not with meghan so you cant come visit. you DO need to start college searching though... hmmm. consider it
I MISS GEORGE NELSON!!! I wish they were still alive. I'm still morning their deaths..
I love kate's comment. It almost made me fall of the bed of laughter.
i know, i miss our george nelson twins too! (we should have burried them with Finny haha)
Ha ha, I know I used to say that, but that was in those "difficult" years when all you did was argue with me, as a normal teen girl will do!!!! But now you are grown up and gone, and 2200 miles away from me, and I DO MISS YOU, especially your smile (not your messy room though, ha ha!)
Kate, please come visit this summer when Meghan is here. I need to have you both together. Love you both.
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