It feels like a lifetime ago that I lived on a street called Mountain. I lived on this very special street from the day I was born until June 15, 2006. Ever since I was little I was convinced that Mountain Street was the best street in the world because I never knew anyone whose neighborhood was as close as mine was. We were blessed to live among neighbors who loved and cared for each other and we celebrated our close friendships with a yearly Mountain Street Block Party. I always looked forward to these parties for many reasons. 1. They barricaded the street off so it was the one day out of the year that we were allowed to run freely in the middle of the street without getting yelled at 2. the fire department always showed up and we were able to "drive" their massive trucks 3. block party=bounce house which is always a fun treat :)
Today, Mountain Street celebrated another great year with another great block party and Matt and I were among the 99 wonderful guests.
It was the same amazing block party with the barricaded street, fire truck and bounce house but this year was very different for me. It was totally weird being back on this street and constantly introducing myself to new people because I didn't know half of the people that were now living on what was once a street filled with familiar faces. Although it was weird not recognizing half of my street, it was really nice meeting all of the great new people that continue to make Mountain Street so wonderful. Although there were loads of new faces, there were also many familiar ones that it was great to catch up with. My next door neighbor for 18 years, Evie (top left) was there (mom, she says hello), our mail lady Laura (whose birthday it was today!) was there (top middle) and of course Christina and Nick (top right), the Griffiths, Dohrs, Garcias, Hedricks, Chuck and Smitty. And with no surprise, 2336's current residents were nowhere to be found....
great pics! so glad you came . . . and thanks for taking pics for all of us.
im happy to do it! it was a lot of fun!
What a GREAT group of photos Meghan. You ARE good!! This brought tears to my eyes and made me somewhat sad, but as you said, it was very differentand felt a little strange. Many unfamiliar faces, in fact more unfamiliar than familiar. It was never like that before, as you mentioned. Evie looks so great as usual, and boy has Nick grown up, and how much fun for me to see Laura. I don't even know what our mail person looks like. He drives around, very unpersonal, unlike Laura.But where is Beth and Kip??? I searched the pic and could not find them. And the Wongs were not there. Yes, Mountain St. was a GREAT place to live (we were there until 2007 not 2006!) and I am so happy that you and Hunter were able to spend your childhood on that street with that type of family atmosphere. I do miss you all and will look forward to seeing you at Christmas for the Mtn. St. Christmas party on Dec23. So sad that 2336 has become the "phantom" house of the neighborhood, because it was never that way while we lived there for 20 years.............
beth and kip were in nyc at his sister's wedding. beth got back in time to catch the last hour or so of the block party but i think she missed the picture. no wongs and no leighann and joel lol
evie does look great! nick is HUGE. i still thought he was a little boy, but nope not the case at all.
im going to create a shutterfly account for everyone in the neighborhood to post their photos of the party. i'll be sure and send you the link mom :)
and ps. i made sure to tell everyone hi for you!
Thanks daughter, you always take care of me in that way. Glad everyone knew I was thinking of them....Have a great day today. A full day of photo for you with MHS and photo class.
id like you all to know that ive lived in the same neighborhood all my life and we have a different mail person everyday.
So sad for you Kate. Laura (our Mtn. St. mail lady) took such good care of our mail. She always watched out for us, especially when we were away. She really was very special in our little neighborhood, as silly as that may sound...........
that was sad. i miss our little house on mountain street. at least the fire truck parked in front of it to cover the ugly gate! who's smitty?
smitty....the guy who always did karate in his front yard....
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