7:30- Amazing crepe breakfast prepared by Mama B
8:00- Arrive at work with Garr
12:30- Take sick boyfriend home to sleep
1:00-5:30- Drink tea, plant daffodils, and spend an afternoon with Mrs White reading our Paperbackswap.com books while sick boyfriend sleeps
5:30- Boyfriend wakes from deep slumber and watches Project Runway reruns with me...Blaine got kicked off! Boooo
7:30-Dinner with Mr. & Mrs. White while boyfriend sleeps again
8:00- lesson in how to cook chicken so I don't accidentally poison myself from Mrs. White
8:30-Head to Northridge
9:00- Catch up with Jamie
9:30- Update blog.
the end.
Sorry to hear that "boyfriend" Matt is sick. Hopefully you will stay well. Thank you Mama B for taking such loving care of Meghan and opening your door for her. You are very blessed to have the Bollenbacher family in your life Meghan and for that I am grateful.
Hope you are feeling better Matt.
you have a wonderful life. hour to hour.
why thank you marissa rohanna
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