Saturday, November 1, 2008

November 1--(Finally) Feels Like Fall

Austen, Landon and I spent our afternoon carving, baking and listening to the rain and "funder" (as Landon calls it). Austen insisted that we carve her pumpkin (even though Halloween was last night) and once we extracted all the seeds, I couldn't help but bake them. When we completed those projects, I decided it was the perfect day for pie. We began making a pumpkin pie and when we realized we ran out of cloves, we went to the grocery store and stopped to get our flu shots on the way.


Anonymous said...

landon's face! all his pictures make him look like a teenager trapped in a 4 year old's body

Anonymous said...

jealous, sounds like a supurb day

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

What a great photo! You have now been elected the pumpkin pie maker of this house!! Your pie is beautiful. I hope it tasted as good as it looked. Happy to hear you got your flu shot. Maybe you will stay healthy this winter now. Where did you get them? Have fun with Lenny today and take a photo of her to put in today's (Nov. 2) blog. Hi Lenny!!


Unknown said...

i hope i stay healthy now...they said the shot could make you sick and with my luck it will do that...we'll see. we got it done at the hospital-yesterday only they were giving them away for free.
ill def. tell lenny hi for you :)
miss you mom.

Anonymous said...

The pie was yummy -- even Mista Guy would have like it!

Manal said...

amazing pie.. why couldn't u make something like that at our dorm.. o wait u tried and it failed... i kinda enjoy burnt pumpkin seeds.. wow i sound mean.. im jk.. u really did try ill help u next time dont worry