By tonight, she had begun "making friends" and filling out her info, but her transition to facebook wasn't yet complete without some photo albums. While we watched Laws of Attraction (If you're in the mood for a chick flick I'd rent The Wedding Planner or The Notebook before this one...) and while Matt started snoring (who could really blame him), Nancy and I sipped our tea and added her Facebook albums.
P.S. We got an email from my dad today who arrived safely in Kenya and will be starting open heart surgery on Monday. From his email, it sounds like he's having an amazing experience so far. He watched a surgery today on a 21 y/o man who had a 6 inch arrow through his throat....
ahhhhhhhhh. so intense!!! arrow through the throat??? Sounds like a fabulous evening! everyones getting facebooks!
Not Momma Klein!!! Way to addicting to me and email takes up enough of my time. If anyone wants to reach me you will have to do it through No facebook for me at this time in my life!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, go figure! Arrow through his neck because he was sleeping with another mans wife in her house. The women had a machete taken to her by her husband and is not expected to live. Guess if one wants to commit adultery, Africa is NOT the place, if you value your life anyway!!!
haha i knowwww i just read that other email last night! super intense!
ps. have you written dad back? he said he was getting his feelings hurt because you weren't emailing him back. so i explained to him that you were out of town all weekend.
ps. you dont need a facebook.
And the husband said that the doctors should just let the woman die because she wouldn't be able to cook and clean, so what good was she anyway? And besides, he has more wives.
whats the point in living if we can't cook and clean?
this is so cute. you two are like bffs.
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