Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 8---Christmas Lights To Go With Our Snowflakes

I returned to Northridge tonight with Christmas lights in tow (thanks mom&dad). Jamie & Kasey agreed they were meant for our balcony (to accompany our snowflakes) so they hung them for me since I was incapable of doing it without breaking them...


Manal said...

thats look sooo pretty

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

You have a balcony? How pretty the lights and snowflakes look. Hopefully we will be able to come and visit your new home while we are in CA. Will the dorms be open during Christmas break? I am sure that your roomies will all be gone though. Would love to meet them. Have a good day.

Unknown said...

jamie told me that the dorms stay open so if you really do want to come see my dorm we could do that :) but yeah everyone will be home.

Jamie said...

I love Christmas.

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

Where are you????? No photos for 2 days, I miss you.


Unknown said...

i'm sorry i've been studying for finals and goin to auntis the last 2 nights to babysit. i haven't been taking my computer hoping that it will eliminate the distraction of facebook/blogging/surfing and instead be replaced with studying.....
ill update after my class later.
xo miss you too mom

AnnO said...

Hi there Meghan!! Now that Dad's on the blog scene he's sucking the whole bunch of us in! Great blog and you did a great job getting your dad started. He's a blogging animal and by the way - you look great

Ann (formerly Ann in Phoenix)

kate said...

you're letting me down! its been 4 days!

Tom said...

Stop being so responsible and blog something... anything...

You're blog-addicted father