Should NEVER be barefoot while cooking! That wouldn't be allowed at CPA. He'd never make it as a kitchen lady. Nice photo though. You'd be a swell kitchen lady!!!
this blog began in september 2008 as a way of documenting 1 year of my life (both for me, and my many family & friends scattered all over the country). the goal is to shoot 1 (or more) photos a day for 365 days. I met this goal and moved on to complete 365 MORE days in photos for a total of 730 complete days of photographs.
Should NEVER be barefoot while cooking! That wouldn't be allowed at CPA. He'd never make it as a kitchen lady. Nice photo though. You'd be a swell kitchen lady!!!
ive never quite understood that...why is it such a big deal for you to be BAREFOOT? its not like you're cooking the food with your FEET!
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