Meet Yesenia: she just moved in as our newest 4th roomie. I made an excellent first impression by asking for her photo after I said hello. Manal didn't help matters when she came in and said "Meg doesn't really have a blog, she just really wants a picture of you."
haha.. i love embarrassing you..
jamie--we still miss you lady....
Happy to meet the new roomie even though I know how much you do miss Jamie. Maybe you will be back together as roomies next year. Hope Yesenia can handle your strange humor!!!! love you lady.....
new roommate! man I feel disconnected with the world without a phone. Didn't even know you were getting a new one! BUT IM BACK!
ps. I can't even handle her strange humor mama klein! hahahahahahahahah just kidding. kinda. just kidding about the kinda. but really? hahaha just kidding!
Can I have a picture of her too? Hahahahahaha just kidding, but not really, kinda-sorta-maybe-but-what-do-you-care, never mind, OK, well maybe not, but yah, send me one anyway, OK, just kidding.
(now who's the wierd one?)
Just kidding, not really, .....
More tears, less laughs.
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