Saturday, March 7, 2009

March 7--- My First Experience with Swaddling

I started babysitting 5 mo. old twins today---Chase & Chance (twins names, huh?)
They were super cute (especially since they mostly just ate and slept).


Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

Awe, SOOOOOO adorable.....Hope it was a good experience and a continued gig!!!


Tom said...

OMG!! Your new blog photo is hilarious. Who in their right mind would ever do that to a child? It kinda explains a lot about who you are and where you came from (and all the professional help that I clearly need to seek out).


Tom said...

How many times have you squeezed his chubby little cheeks? No really?

Unknown said...

ahaha dad it hilarious, no but really that photo does explain a lot doesnt it??

Jamie said...

Omg. They are so cute.