Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28---Spring Changes.

Spring has arrived. Well, kinda.
and today I realized that a lot of changes are soon coming my way.
From moving out & completing another year
to finding a job and starting a new major.
So I decided to honor the new changes with a less winter-y looking blog and change up the colors and banner a bit.
So what do you think?
(the banners kinda silly-and no one but kate will appreciate the old man on the left, but i'm satisfied) 




Manal said...

omg is that the old man u saw at a resteraunt and took a picture with him without him knowing... i think we have a poliroid of it

Unknown said...

hahaha u got it :)

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

I like it. Very refreshing.... Where was that old man pic taken anyway? I can't remember the story. I do like the light blue and orange writing.

Sorry I missed your call yesterday but I was at work. Home today though and would love to catch up.

♥ u

Tom said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look, and excuse me very much, but I totally got the picture (at first I thought it was me) and totally remember how much enjoyment you got out of making fun of the sleeping-old-man. Remember, that could be me someday! So I guess now there's "2" people who get it!

Great font too, did you do it in Picassa? Don't stress too much about all the "stuff" you have coming up. You'll get through it all and have a great summer (some of it here in Nashville!)


Unknown said...

haha dad u crack me up. of course you would remember me taking this pic (and would think it's u).
i did the design work in photoshop so the font isn't from picasa/picnik.
i can't wait for summer...omg these stressful 2 weeks need to end now...but hey, i think i got an a (or a-) on that test yesterday. holler.

Kasey said...

I like it a lot. I agree with your mom how it is refreshing and spring-y. good work! These stressful two weeks will be over soon enough and summer will be here. Another year behind you.

Finish Strong!! :)

Kasey said...

I like it a lot. I agree with your mom how it is refreshing and spring-y. good work! These stressful two weeks will be over soon enough and summer will be here. Another year behind you.

Finish Strong!! :)

kate said...

bahahah old man. and then he woke up! hahahaha. matt started laughing when i showed him and said... "thats the old man from the mall!" love those spring changes. don't get too stressed out you have a big day coming up!