This week was experiment week in the Bbacher home and I was lucky enough to be present for a majority of it! What is experiment week you ask?
Well....It's the week that Mama B has fun in the kitchen experimenting with different recipes from her variety of wonderful cookbooks....and kate & I get to be her guinea pigs (this works out nicely considering the meals all look like the one above...everyone is in heaven...except Garr, who would rather have fried chicken)
This morning we were greeted with this amazing homemade french toast out of the Marston's cookbook....YUM.
Well....It's the week that Mama B has fun in the kitchen experimenting with different recipes from her variety of wonderful cookbooks....and kate & I get to be her guinea pigs (this works out nicely considering the meals all look like the one above...everyone is in heaven...except Garr, who would rather have fried chicken)
This morning we were greeted with this amazing homemade french toast out of the Marston's cookbook....YUM.
Yummy!!! That Mama B.~ she's the best! I have a Marston's cookbook....Maybe I should try that one sometime! Nice to see that you were nicely fed (as you always are at your home-away-from-home) while Kate was home. Thanks Mama B. for taking such good care of Meghan.
Hey, what about the Kraft Mac 'n Cheese she gets at MY house? I'll garnish it with a few strawberries next time.
She does love that Kraft!! I would never buy the one with the powder. How gross......
Mom we should have an experiment week! It looks delich!
Good luck with that one Logan!! Let me know how that works for you..... No offense to your mom, she is just much better behind that desk dealing with numbers and $$$$, I do have to say, there REALLY is an "inner Martha (Stewart that is)" in her. She can wrap a really mean gift......
lets have experiment week at your house logan!!!!
haha I love this conversation. Mama B definitely needs to see this
Kate told me to peek...this french toast is creating way too much conversation! i do think garnishing w/ a few strawberries helps anything look good enough to photograph! meghan, you are amazing on those photos! maybe we can even get garr on board with our "experiments"...in the meantime he is content w/ kraft mac n' cheese.
oops i was the anonymous one
Did you mean "oh my gosh" in a "geeze person - these ladies are ridiculous" kind of way, or "oh my gosh", "I wish I could have some of Mama B's french toast." If it isn't the latter, you should have remained anonymous! Ha! Next time you are in town, come visit anyway!
OK, so now I HAVE to make this french toast!!! Good thing I have that Marston's cookbook.... I will have to experiment on Hunter since he seems to have an interest in this meal. Hope I can live up to Mama B.'s which means then I will have to make it for Meghan also when she is home in June so she can let me know.
Rain check Mama B. for August when we are back in town. You are first on my list of people to see that I didn't get to see in March.
♥ Mama Klein
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