I woke this morning to a dorm full of bday signs and a table set for a wonderful cake breakfast!
I found out later that Manal was up until 4:30 making a cake and banners--hence the posters saying that I'm her "rooie" and that it's my "birtay"

My friends surprised me with birthday [extreme] bowling and cupcakes tonight! It was pretty amazing.

So here it goes:
Attended a new school.
Began blogging about my oh-so-interesting life.
Chai Latte: Gave Starbucks LOTS and LOTS of business.
Dealth with the 100 degree Northridge, nasty weather.
Election 2009: Voted for the first time.
Fought off strep 3 times.
Got out of my comfort zone.
Homes: I am thankful to have many of those these days.
I got on the dean's list!
Jamie had this brilliant idea!
Killed George Nelson.
Learned to be less-narrow minded and accepting.
Mike the Mechanic & Macky enlightened me on car maintenance.
Nashville: I finally accepted it as a home.
Oil: Learned how to change it (thanks to being stranded somewhere in Oregon).
Picked a major that I'm happy with!
Quarters: Necessity for bus/laundry.
Roadtrip from Seattle to California with the Bestie, our fishies & all of our belongings.
Seattle: Lived there, left there, missed there.
Tripped and fell....a lot (and documented it with Manal via the "oops board").
Umbrella: Don't need one of those in CA!
Wisdom teeth: Got them yanked by Dr. Taylor which resulted in resembling a chipmunk.
Xray: Got a new fish (who has lived longer than the others).
Youtube yoga w/ Manal & Carly.
Zipping down the 210: got my first speeding ticket (after 4 yrs of driving).
Began blogging about my oh-so-interesting life.
Chai Latte: Gave Starbucks LOTS and LOTS of business.
Dealth with the 100 degree Northridge, nasty weather.
Election 2009: Voted for the first time.
Fought off strep 3 times.
Got out of my comfort zone.
Homes: I am thankful to have many of those these days.
I got on the dean's list!
Jamie had this brilliant idea!
Killed George Nelson.
Learned to be less-narrow minded and accepting.
Mike the Mechanic & Macky enlightened me on car maintenance.
Nashville: I finally accepted it as a home.
Oil: Learned how to change it (thanks to being stranded somewhere in Oregon).
Picked a major that I'm happy with!
Quarters: Necessity for bus/laundry.
Roadtrip from Seattle to California with the Bestie, our fishies & all of our belongings.
Seattle: Lived there, left there, missed there.
Tripped and fell....a lot (and documented it with Manal via the "oops board").
Umbrella: Don't need one of those in CA!
Wisdom teeth: Got them yanked by Dr. Taylor which resulted in resembling a chipmunk.
Xray: Got a new fish (who has lived longer than the others).
Youtube yoga w/ Manal & Carly.
Zipping down the 210: got my first speeding ticket (after 4 yrs of driving).
sad not to be in much of your life these days :(
Your right. I loved it. Very nice. This made me smile :)
Your A-Z list is great, loved it....very creative, and yes, sad not to see Kate in there much but we ALL know that she is there in spirit and we miss her very much.
Fun birthday even though your favorite mommy and daddy and bestie could not be there!!!!
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