Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June 11 .

Nashville doesn't believe in public restroom toilet seat covers.


Kasey said...

That is definitely gross!

auntie said...

In the Chicago airport, the public toilets have plastic that automatically winds around the seat. Once you get up, the toilet flushes automatically and the plastic re-winds. I've always wondered how it works because, to me, I seems like the same three or four feet of plastic just keeps winding around and around for all to use. Now that's gross!

Tom said...

Since we're all talking about toilets today... the Amsterdam airport toilets have a single house fly painted in the bowl on each toilet. I guess its for target practice. How cool is that?

OK, next toity story please...

Bill Ross said...

Why do you want a cover? You got something to hide? Where I come from, we flush when we're finished, so all that's remaining, is clear, clean water. Not that offensive that it needs a cover.

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

I am still not used to not having toilet seat covers here in the south. The only place that ALWAYS has them is Starbucks. I guess we get used to squatting over the potty! Good exercise for the thighs!!!