So last night someone named "Koala" commented on my blog asking if I'm going to continue blogging after my 365 Days are over (which is September 14th by the way).
(btw thanks Koala for bringing this question to my attention)
I realized that date is nearing and it is time I begin thinking about what the future holds for me as a blogger.. ..
I have considered starting a new 365 Days and beginning a "round 2", if you will, describing what life brings in my next year.
But to be honest, I'm not that sure I'm up for it.
I have also considered putting 365 Days to rest and beginning new with a brand new blog, name, address, the whole shebang....but I'm afraid it will be the most boring thing ever.
At this point, I think no matter what, I am going to stop this 365 Days of Photographs and get a new blog address so that there are no more than 365 blog posts here. So that I leave it as a photo album / scrapbook / memory of my 365 days from September 2008 - September 2009.
BUT, I have NO IDEA what to do with the new blog....should I continue with 365 days, and if so, should I add a new "twist" to it...something to spice it up and make it better than round 1...or should I make it a general blog with room to make it whatever I want....or should I start something completely different and fresh?
This is where you, as the blog readers, come in.
Please comment (or inform me another way) letting me know what your suggestion is for my blog future and any new, fresh, ideas you may have for me.
k? easy enough?
THANKS. I really appreciate all of your time reading this ridiculous blog about my really simple and a lot of the time, boring life. It really means a lot. I don't know how you put up with me.