Adventures started early this morning when my friend Katie helped me trek the dresser 40 miles to my apartment.
Now, I just have to figure out what color to paint it & the blue bookshelf...
Ideas anyone???
The apartment is too monotone with the couches, carpet & walls all being shades of brown....
Paint it all gold and green with red accents and fill it up with roosters and then you can pretend you're home in Nashville!!!
Miss you...
I vote for red... Red is bright and happy and looks great with all those brown tones. Or green (not kelly green), but I am sure you are sick of green these days after coming to our house.
Ha Ha, your dad is SOOOOOOOO funny. He knows he loves my roosters!!!
luv you and hi Katie.....
In fact, I know where you can get a bunch of roosters real cheap if you want'em (Don't tell Mom... heeheehee)
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