Today is Day 365.
1 year ago I set out to take 1 (or more) photos every day & today I have successfully completed that goal.
(which means this is the very last blog post you'll find here...)
Today is not only my blog's "anniversary"
but also
my Nana & Papa's 50th Wedding Anniversary.

My Aunt & Uncle drove us kids up to Lancaster to attend church with the grandparents.
We got to see the church give them these:

After the anniversary bruch & celebrations,
we headed to the Palmdale Airparks & looked at the different vintage fighter planes.

(which means this is the very last blog post you'll find here...)
Today is not only my blog's "anniversary"
but also
my Nana & Papa's 50th Wedding Anniversary.

My Aunt & Uncle drove us kids up to Lancaster to attend church with the grandparents.
We got to see the church give them these:

After the anniversary bruch & celebrations,
we headed to the Palmdale Airparks & looked at the different vintage fighter planes.

So, now that my 365 Days in photographs is over...what comes next??
I've been working on a new blog that is kind of similar to this one, except, with a few different things that I'll throw in along the way.
If you are interested in continuing me on this daily blog adventure, you can now find me at
(the first post will be up late tomorrow night)
In "730 Days", I plan to continue sharing a daily photo (or 2, or 3) with you, but some weeks I'll try out a new series such as "a week displayed at 2:00 PM" (where I'll take a photo at the same time everyday for 1 week) or "a week in film" (where I'll shoot an entire week with film and upload the photos at the end of that week).
Which speaking of, I want to add that life gets busy/hectic/stressful (especially as I'm starting a new major with really difficult classes) so bear with me if I go a few days (or even a week) without posting. Don't worry because I will still be taking the daily photos, just please be patient if I don't always get them posted immediately.
With that said, thank you for following me these past 365 days.
It has been a pleasure to be able to share a bit of my day with each of you.
I hope you enjoy my next blog & continue to follow me
(no really, press the "follow" button, it makes me happy)
as I continue photographing my next year in the hopes of completing
730 Days in Photographs.

I've been working on a new blog that is kind of similar to this one, except, with a few different things that I'll throw in along the way.
If you are interested in continuing me on this daily blog adventure, you can now find me at
(the first post will be up late tomorrow night)
In "730 Days", I plan to continue sharing a daily photo (or 2, or 3) with you, but some weeks I'll try out a new series such as "a week displayed at 2:00 PM" (where I'll take a photo at the same time everyday for 1 week) or "a week in film" (where I'll shoot an entire week with film and upload the photos at the end of that week).
Which speaking of, I want to add that life gets busy/hectic/stressful (especially as I'm starting a new major with really difficult classes) so bear with me if I go a few days (or even a week) without posting. Don't worry because I will still be taking the daily photos, just please be patient if I don't always get them posted immediately.
With that said, thank you for following me these past 365 days.
It has been a pleasure to be able to share a bit of my day with each of you.
I hope you enjoy my next blog & continue to follow me
(no really, press the "follow" button, it makes me happy)
as I continue photographing my next year in the hopes of completing
730 Days in Photographs.

you did it congrats! cant wait to see what this next year has in store. and BETEEDUBBS your aunt's picture striking a pose and landon in the back is brilliant! kudos. next time this will be one ur new fangled page!
she's going to hate me (sorry auntie) but it's rad and i love it...
same here!!
YAY!!!! This has been amazing Meghan!!! I cant wait to see how your new one goes!! :)
I am sad...I miss 365 days of photos already....but congrats! you did it and we will love 730 too!
You did it!!! Congrats to you as I know life is getting hectic for you. I LOVED what you did for those of us who live so far away and wish they could see a piece of your day. I will miss this blog, but am SO excited to see what you have in store for us in the upcoming year. You make your Mama very happy each morning!!!
And yes, Auntie is going to hate you for this photo!!! What a goofball......
♥ ♥
Yay!!!!!!!! Totally awesome and creative for someone who labelled themselves as "uncreative" all those years in junior high! You-got-it-goin-on-girlfriend!
LOVED the photo of Auntie! Kind of reminded me of Annie someone (the famous photographer who photographed famous people - you know, the book in the library that we looked at at in the bookstore here in Green Hills). Auntie could be someone famous, except it looks like she stepped in "something" with Landon looking at the ground in the background behind her. hee hee hee!
Woww, awesome Meghan, well done.
so, where can we find you today?
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