This is Felix (or Buddy or Carl-- he has lots of names but Felix is my favorite)
He's 6 months old and doesn't have a very permanent home right now and so my roommate Danielle brought him home to see if we would like to adopt him & keep him in our apartment.

Turns out Felix is a big larger than she expected.
So our apartment isn't the most ideal place for him.
I've never really been a big dog person (except with Captain & Joey)
but the minute I saw Felix I fell in love.
He's so cute & laid back, how could you not??
SO if ANYONE has a home for Felix (and would maybe let me come visit him often) let me know because he's going to the pound soon & I'm not happy about it.
He's a great dog (from what I could see in the 4 hours he was in our apartment).
He's really relaxed & spent the entire time he was at our house laying on the floor, not bothering anyone.
I think you know SOMEONE who would want him.
Help me find a home for Felix!
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