As much of my afternoon was occupied by sitting alone in Starbucks doing my homework, I couldn't help but miss Anja and Kate. It was only 3 months ago that the 3 of us were spending hours at our favorite tea shop, Remedy Teas, sipping 1 of their 155 different types of tea and studying for finals together. We spent so much time in that shop that the owner also knew Kate's mom, boyfriend and our favorite tea sandwhiches. Remedy was conviently located 1 block away from my best friend, "Mike the Mechanic" who I was fortunately visiting on a weekly basis, giving us a reason to wander into Remedy and try another flavor of tea. I was definitely feeling a little "Seattle-sick" as Anja moved back into school today, I met a man in Starbucks who just so happened to graduate from SPU and as I sat alone I couldn't help but get a huge craving for a hot cup of Vanilla Sky, an Apple Pie sandwhich and a relaxful day of studying with the besties.
I was SOOO thinking about remedy today too. I cant wait til they come to san fran and I can get a job there!!!! miss you too
yeah...you suck. i might move to san fran so i can work with you.
AWWW!! Please come back guys! Seriously just bring your boyfriends with you and come back for good! It was great talking to both of you today! I miss you twoo! LOVE YA
I'll send you some tea if you tell which kind to you want ;)
and it was great talking to both of you today!
it really was great talking to both of you guys. i miss you both.
I sure feel like I missed out on your favorite place in Seattle with Kate and Anja. Maybe one day I can get there with you. You know how I don't like to miss out on anything!!!
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