Well according to my Doctor, I have strep. Apparently it's going around so my terrible immune system probably just picked it up somewhere. It was nice to get out of the house (even if it was just for a doctors visit) and Mama B has been an amazing second mom, taking good care of me through this whole thing. I don't know how I would be handling this illness all by myself without the loving care of the Bollenbachers.
I was also lucky to have a couple surprise visitors this afternoon--Matt and his best friend Matt.
theres too many matts in the world
i second what katelyn said
get better cuz
its true. too many matts. they're everywhere.
and yes. strep again...
geez person.
If I could get on a plane and come take care of you I would!! You are in the best loving care of Mama B and Padre Miguel though. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!
Get better quickly Meghan. Hopefully school will be canceled today too since the fire has gotten worse, and then at least you will have not missed any school!!
And yes, there are WAY too many Matts. Always having to distinguish whose Matt we are talking about gets confusing sometimes.
Love you all Meghan, Matt, Kate,& Matt.
Mama Klein
haha love you too mom
aw kisses! are you feeling better today megs? I called but hopefully you were sleeping!
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