so its day 3 of having strep and I'm getting bored. I can tell that the antibiotics are kicking in because my fever has been down all day, but I still haven't had a whole lot of energy to leave Katelyn's wonderfully comfortable bed. Tonight I was looking at Hunter's new Homecoming photos on facebook when I saw the picture to the right (minus me in it). Since I had nothing else to do with my night (besides study for a bio test, but who really wants to do that when you're sick?) I decided to add myself in it and make it our family's newest family photo. :) It might be a little narcissistic of me, but seeing the picture made me miss my family and miss being apart of events like these. I decided this was the perfect "picture of the day" because as I was photoshopping it, I got a facebook chat request from Rodrigo, the foreign exchange student that my family is going to be hosting for 2 months. It was really special to get to know him a little bit over the interweb since I won't be able to meet him in person.
ps. don't look too closely at my photoshopping. it was done rather quickly.
Meghan...you seriously need to think about getting those tonsils removed! And exchange students!!! Freaking sweet!!
yes i know
and yes i know!
hahahaha i love it
Love this!! It always feel weird taking a photo with just the 3 of us. It just isn't complete, so thank you for completing our family again! Glad you are feeling better.
the photoshop job is good! especially with it black and white. funny thing is that this is the picture i would've picked of you to cut out too...even to put in a serious picture like this. you're meghan klein. simple as that
im glad you like it little brother (but the photoshopping is terrible. look closer) i only chose this pic because it was the only one i could find that had my feet in it.
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