Our first year together was spent in high school--me a senior and him a sophomore. We were an unlikely couple and most thought it was only a matter of time before our age gap caused us to go our separate ways; however, we knew better.
We spent our second year apart when I moved to Seattle for college and he started his junior year of high school. We spent that year seeing each other every 3 months and making our long distance relationship work in between that time. It was hard, but rewarding as today marks our 2 years together and although we made the long distance work, it's amazing to know that I'll get to see him tomorrow without waiting 3 months and 1 plane ride.
Happy anniversary Matt,
"Less than three <3"
yay! LOVE IT. props to me for taking your first picture together.
haha i know! its such a silly, unfortunate picture but i knew if i posted any other picture of us (i was considering the one from your birthday) that you would recognize it as a false "first picture" lol
when's the wedding?
tomorrow. didn't you get the invite?
Congratulations to you and Matt. Very cute pics. BTW, you still need to make me that CD of Matt and Meghan photos for your book. I plan to do that soon, so as soon as you can please, with approximate dates on them so that I can write that.
As for the wedding, please let's not rush things!!!!!!!!!!!Let's both of you make it through college with a degreee please so that you will be employable....... Jobs are becoming fewer and hard to come by these days so having a career that will always be needed (ie:special ed) is gauranteed employment. The country is about in a recession if you haven't heard. OK, there is my mother lecture in writing!!!!
Cute pics of you both. You both look older and of course much more wise after 2 years.....Hope you had a better day Meghan and at least got a phone call.
AAA today or tomorrow? Don't forget! You surely don't need another ticket and another expense.
xoxo, Mommy
Forgot something, these 2 pics definitely need to be on that CD, showing 1st pic and 2nd year pic, and if you have a 1 yr. pic, that also. My scrapbooking mind working!! I know, don't think I am weird and neurotic.......
haha you're funny mom. I was kidding about the wedding incase u missed that lol but thanks for the words of wisdom they are always appreciated
That's what mommy's are for, right? Don't forget my CD.....
hey meghan! i love your blog! and i'm really happy for you and matt. i've been rooting for you guys since the beginning. i guess i'm a sap, but i like knowing that i'm not the only one crazy enough to believe that love is real, even the kind that starts in high school. +]
ps if you're ever bored, my friend sami and i have a blog too. samiandalex.blogspot.com. and props btw for updating yours every day. impressive.
alex! i will def check out your blog! thanks for the support (both with me and matt and my blog :) miss you!
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