Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday, November 24---Turkey Day Still Too Far Away

Tomorrow is my last day of classes which means I should be finishing up math homework right now...but instead I'm photographing my textbooks and blogging about doing math homework....
I have no more bestie comes home tomorrow and I wont have to think about school for a still feels too far away though since I still have to get through another day of classes.....blahhhhhhh


Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

Such an attractive photo of your dad!!!!!!!! I know he will feel honored to have the first photo in your memory section. Love the side tracks from studying and the tylenol bottle in the backround. Is the studying that bad?? Hope that math class goes well today.

Hello to Kate for me. Have a great turkey day with her and her family. We will miss you here, but will see you in 4 weeks.

love you lots,

Anonymous said...

ioadjvffwedhjafjwidosfd im frusterated right now because im all packed up and i have nothing to do until i leave! which is in 5 hours! iw iaov and i have 8 minutes and 38 seconds until my netflix loads law and order. stupid thing. maybe ill buy one tree hill. CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU IN LIKE 10 HOURS!

Jamie said...

I'm sorry i woke you up today to go to class. You know how it is, I was so excited to learn biologically words and hear the professor talk forever. I am cold just thinking about that class :)