I came home from Pasadena this afternoon and picked Jamie up to "bust a mission" to Trader Joes (as she called it). When we got home I started walking to our dorm, only to realize that I forgot the many important things in my trunk...my laptop, laundry, uggs, groceries and overnight bag. It's a twice weekly occurrence that I have quite a handful when I return to the dorms so Jamie felt inclined to document it for today's post.
Do you feel like a vagabond or do you enjoy a change of scenery and sleeping in nice beds when you go to Mama B's and Auntie's houses????? I hope you really aren't as miserable as you look!!! Glad to see you have your reusable TJ bag. I actually have some, but when I have a very large order like i did the other day there are just not enough! Need to get more of those. How far is TJ's from school?
To Mary if you are reading: Are we going to see you when we come to Pasadena at Christmas? If we don't have a chance to come to your house will you come find us please? We have not seen you since we left and that has been a year and a half already. Hello to your family for me.
Love you both,
Mama Klein
no i def. am not as miserable as i look in that picture (i was just holding way too many things and a little bit in pain at that moment).
i guess i kinda feel a little bit like a vagabond but i've grown fond of that feeling since you all left me for nashville :)
yes, i have plenty of reusable trader joes bags (i have so many that i end up using them as my overnight bag and school bag)
TJs is like 5 blocks away and next door to a target and ralphs so if we're feeling like spending a load on groceries we hit up more than one in a single trip.
I called it "Bust a mission" meggs.
:) ill change that
Hey, we did not "leave you for Nashville", at least not on purpose anyway!!! Plus you can always come live here with us if you feel like we deserted you............but, we all know the answer to that one now don't we?? Love you and miss you Meghan.
I deleted this comment because it got sent 2x if you were wondering!
i didn't mean it in a bad way mom :)
and no i dont see myself moving to nashville anytime soon but i am very excited to visit at xmas (wish it could be sooner though).
It will be here before you know it. Actually only about 6 weeks away before we get there......
Jamie thanks you meggs.
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