Usually, movie theater tears end by the time the movie is over....but not for Austen. She spent the next 45 minutes sobbing because Marley died. Even after she had pulled herself together, if you so much as mentioned the word Marley, she would break down again in a matter of seconds. For as sad as she was, I found it oddly hilarious. This picture of her cracks me up.... (and I have her full permission to post it here, so no, I don't feel bad about posting her sensitive moment online...and mocking it a little).
That's so funny... And I wasn't even there to make fun of her! I could've gotten her laughing, and you know it!
it was pretty freakin hilarious. poor sensitive austen.
That really is funny. Nothing quite like a nice Holiday Dead Dog movie for warm Christmas memories! Isn't that the little girl that visited us in Nashville?
I'm gonna be a bloggin' foo' in 2009! Hope you have a great one Meg-Han.
yep that's her!!
have a great new year mr bill ross!
haha that's hilarious
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