Today I spent my day flying to Nashville to surprise the boys in my family. A month ago my mom called me and asked what I was doing the weekend after Thanksgiving. I didn't have anything on the schedule (except studying for finals but who really wants to do that?) so mom booked me a flight (because it was way cheaper than flying Thanksgiving weekend). She said the only condition was that I don't tell Hunter or my dad. I quickly agreed, excited to potentially surprise them (I say potentially because the chances of me keeping the secret from them for an entire month was rare). Well....we pulled it off. I spent my day in the air, trying to think of the perfect way of announcing my presence. My dad arrived home first so I headed to the piano (when I was little he used to HATE when I would pound on it....so what do I do? I pound on it...) As he walked in the door he heard very excessive, loud, and obnoxious pounding on his baby grand. I knew it would quickly draw his attention....and I was right. He turned the corner and looked in at the piano...his jaw dropped and his first response was "you're meghan!?" It took his head a couple minutes to rap around the fact that I was actually sitting there, in person.
Hunter came home next....when he got in the house my mom told him that something came in the mail for him today and that it was in his room. When he got upstairs I jumped from the closet and he quickly responded with, "what the hell?!" (the photos above are after my surprise).
Its been a great night catching up with family who wasn't expecting to see me for 2 more weeks....the surprise was a success!
Hunter came home next....when he got in the house my mom told him that something came in the mail for him today and that it was in his room. When he got upstairs I jumped from the closet and he quickly responded with, "what the hell?!" (the photos above are after my surprise).
Its been a great night catching up with family who wasn't expecting to see me for 2 more weeks....the surprise was a success!
omg best post EVER
tell hunter and your dad that id go with the bottom blue swatch.
thats the one they're going with i think!
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