One of the highlights of yesterday was meeting our foreign exchange student, Rodrigo. I found out today that his full name is Carlos Rodrigo Pacheco Lainfiesta, so our family calls him Pache. I decided that since he's living in the US right now, he should have an American nickname and since Carl wasn't spunky enough for him, we decided on Rod....I think it suits him. (he goes home next week after being with my family for 2 months and when I asked him today if was excited to see his family he responded with "no, not really"...he seems to be enjoying this time with my fam).
Today was spent looking at the 1700 pictures my dad brought back with him from Africa (holy cow some of the stuff is intense). Tonight we hung Christmas lights outside on the two "christmas trees" that we have in our front right photo is my dad having conquered them... Lenny flew in tonight (the whole gangs here--this really is the perfect weekend) and we all spent our night laughing hysterically at the ridiculous obstacles that the game Cranium has to offer. (P.S. Katelyn, look at Hunter in the middle left photo....HE BOUGHT NEW PAJAMAS finally!) None of this was until my dad spent some time playing the piano for us (that's one of the things I've missed the most.)
I can't believe the last time I saw these people was June...geeze person I've missed my family.
great pics of your family! give everyone hugs from us.
i wanted to tell you that i almost blew the surprise . . . i caught myself as i was writing on your fb wall to have a good time with your family - then i remembered that hunter could read it. thank goodness i didn't :)
I miss this family. I'm coming this summer. end of story, can't wait to see you VERY soon for christmas!
yayyyy please come home this summer!!
PLEASE come visit Kate......We miss you amongst this craziness here. It has felt like old home weekend with Meghan and Lenny here. I continue to miss you crazy girls from Pasadena, it is much too quiet around here most days.
Love you,
mama Klein
HI KATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We missed you this weekend. You definitely have to come visit this summer. Bring Mama B and Papa Miguel with you.
Great post Meghan, but why did you photoshop all the hair off the top of my head on the piano shot ?!?!
Love and miss you. Had a super fun w/e with you.
Love, Daddio
Where's my blog photo??? Did it work this time??? Maybe I'm not blog-worthy...
I would miss my family if I were gone for 6 months!! Geez Meghan you are crazy! Glad you are back in NR.
lucky for me I have a free flight!!!!!! Can't wait to see you all over christmas break though! Daddy T, I was telling meghan the other day that I can't believe the last time I saw you was when you moved us into SPU! CRAZYYYYY
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