As you walk through our house one of the first things you'll probably notice are the vibrant colors that fill our walls. My parents love them some golds, greens and reds, and today as I walked into my bathroom, I realized it was the only room in our house that was completely colorless. My dad announced today that I need to clear out my room because he intends on us painting it while I'm here these next 2 weeks. Hopefully this will mean my bathroom will soon join our colorful house as well...but if not, I do kind of like it this way.
Is that a ring around the toilet bowl I see? When was the last time your mom cleaned?
Thanks Meghan! Now I'm gonna get yelled at for leaving the lid up again! Jeez person!
Tom... the SEAT is down, it's okay. Nobody cares about the lid. And if they do, they're WRONG!
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