I love bowling, but for some reason most of the people in my life don't enjoy it as much as I do, leaving it difficult for me when I'm in the mood for a game. However, tonight Carly invited me to go bowling with her friends and my first thought was YES, finally someone to bowl with!
The deal got even sweeter when I found out shoes only cost $5.00 and each game was $.50 (unreal right?)
i LOVE bowling, but i haven't been in 2 years cuz everyone here hates it
EVERYONE hates it.
why is that?
hahah meg needs to brush up on her bowling skills :)
Now you know what you can do with your brother when you are here in Nashville!!!!
I like bowling!
i love bowling. Look at my blog and you will see.....
You CANNOT use stock photos on your blog! WRONG!!! Don't do it again.
Landon says, "My yike bow-wing!"
Next Friday Fun Night, Meghan gets to pick the activity!!!!
At AMF bowling they give you a free bowling certificate for your birthday, if you sign up online.
HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like bowling too. Bowling night out in Nashville in June YAY!
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