Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 24--finally, someone to bowl with

I love bowling, but for some reason most of the people in my life don't enjoy it as much as I do, leaving it difficult for me when I'm in the mood for a game. However, tonight Carly invited me to go bowling with her friends and my first thought was YES, finally someone to bowl with!
The deal got even sweeter when I found out shoes only cost $5.00 and each game was $.50 (unreal right?)


Anonymous said...

i LOVE bowling, but i haven't been in 2 years cuz everyone here hates it

Unknown said...

EVERYONE hates it.
why is that?

Manal said...

hahah meg needs to brush up on her bowling skills :)

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

Now you know what you can do with your brother when you are here in Nashville!!!!


kate said...

I like bowling!

Jamie said...

i love bowling. Look at my blog and you will see.....

Bill Ross said...

You CANNOT use stock photos on your blog! WRONG!!! Don't do it again.

Anonymous said...

Landon says, "My yike bow-wing!"

Next Friday Fun Night, Meghan gets to pick the activity!!!!

Jamie said...

At AMF bowling they give you a free bowling certificate for your birthday, if you sign up online.


Tom said...

HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like bowling too. Bowling night out in Nashville in June YAY!