I drove to LAX to have dinner with my Uncle Gary tonight. After almost getting lost twice (I usually take the EASY fly away so I had no idea where I was going) I arrived safely and ready for dinner! He's in town for business and since the last time I saw him was maybe....um....I think, 5 years ago-ish....I decided to make the drive and see my long lost Uncle "G".
yayyyyy! uncle g. what about the conference call?
dinner with gary was last night, conference call was tonight!
Oh, How fun. Hopefully someday we can all end up in the same town for a visit.
OK, now I see how you spend so little on groceries -- you go out to eat with your uncles. Uncle Gary for dinner, Uncle Bob for lunch... I bet if you walked up to some old man on the street and asked him to be your uncle, he'd buy you food. (actually, don't do that.)
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