Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 21---It's Official!

As of 2:00 today, I'm officially gonna be a speech pathologist when I grow up.
(only after 5 more years of school & lots & lots of clinical hours)


kate said...

wooooooooooooooooooot! congrats lady!

Jamie said...

yay. I'm excited for you!!! So you took that math class for nothing :(

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

I guess you enjoyed your time shadowing Anne, so much so that you took the plunge and changed majors. Very cool. Many years ahead of you, but what an awesome goal to have. Your mama is proud of you!!!

♥ u

Kasey said...

Such a rewarding career!! I have spent many years there (being pulled out for speech). You are right that you will have to have a few more added years of studying, BUT IT IS ALL WORTH IT IN THE END!


CoNGraTSSS!!! Thats Awesome!!!