Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 11--Going Stir Crazy.

To Do List:
- Stop playing in our boxes and start packing them
- Stop using "packing" as an excuse not to study for finals
- Stop eating cookie dough and jolly ranchers--they really aren't good for you


Jamie said...

Sounds like us. Great picture of Manal. Miss you girls. I know you will do great on finals!

Unknown said...

ha! i have to start studying for them if i want that to happen.
geez person.

kate said...

sorry about the jollys.

Good to do list

Unknown said...

why are you sorry? they're so yummy in my tummy.

kate said...

youre right

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

You have always been so great at that thing called "procrastination"!!!!!

♥ mom