Since Matt & all his friends have major "man-crushes" on the boys of Underoath, it was only appropriate that we would drive to Irvine to see their show. They played with Devil Wears Prada (who's vocalist {not to be confused with their screamer} I have a small crush on now) & Saosin. I scared the boys when I backed out of the pit momentarily while Saosin was playing (due to the fact that I stupidly wore sandles and was beginning to get my feet trampled on). I realized how much I am loved when Matt & his friend Sam spent Saosin's set searching the venue for me, thinking that I somehow got pushed into the center of the pit and was getting hardcore danced to death---even though getting "hardcore danced to death" isn't exactly possible and even though I only stepped a few feet back from them and was perfectly safe.
*I'm realizing that I think I've accidentally made this show look like a dangerous mess so I just want to re-assure you, mom & mama b, that it was a perfectly safe concert, I just wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed by wearing sandles.*
Underoath's set was outstanding (especially since they played an encore of an additional 3 songs from their new album). It was a first for me being at a show with Garr B-Bacher instead of Kate (his older sister/my best friend and a usual "show see-er" with me). It was also ironic because she and Matt Q were at the Carrie Underwood concert in San Fran while we were in Irvine.
OK, I was not worried by this!!! Can't believe you will spend $$$ to go hear stuff like this, but that is your thing I guess.......I did have to laugh at my favorite saying of "sharpest tool in the shed" as you described yourself. No that was not a smart thing to do, but again that is your thing......especially when it is 90degrees in November. How stupid is that I ask you??? You need to come here where it has not gotten about 45 for the past several days. Very chilly fall weather.
ah! i hate this weather. i wish it was 45 here!
and mom, i think you would have a great time at a hardcore show....ok maybe not, but it would be pretty funny to see how you'd react at one :)
You make me laugh out loud!!!! Couldn't you just see me at one of those hardcore shows????........I don't think so. I don't even enjoy listening to it here at home. How could I enjoy an even louder version???? with crazy people stomping all over others toes!!! No, don't think that is for me. I will stick to my smooth jazz or country. The symphony has been very nice and relaxing also.....
i think you chose the right bollenbacher child to go with you to this show.
you would have had fun. it wasn't that much different than Envy.
aw thats so cute of matt and sam.
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