How come there were no salons designed for us when we were 5-year-olds? Today I discovered the latest trend in birthday party-ing for the small children of this generation. It's a place called Sweet & Sassy and if you have your birthday party there, you and all your friends get makeovers which include mani/pedis, hair (which also includes a colored extension pinned in your pony tail) and makeup. Austen is a very spoiled 5-year-old, as today I took her to her 3rd Sweet & Sassy birthday party event. When I picked her up she had blue hair, loads of eyeshadow and a huge smile from an exciting afternoon getting made over.
Just for the record, Austen has been the INVITEE for her 3 trips to Sweet & Sassy, not the INVITOR (since it costs about $40 per kid). We've conditioned our kids to know that they get a "family" birthday party every year, and a "friend" party on their 5th, 10th, 13th, 16th and maybe 18th birthdays. I'm hoping Austen will have outgrown Sweet & Sassy by her 10th birthday! I was SO happy that Meghan was available to take Austen (I can't stand the place)!
i like that idea. i may steal it for when i have kids in 35 years. wait no i think i wont be able to have kids then.
hahaha! i see you tomorrrrrrrow best friend!!
Those Legacy kids get all the really fun parties!! Austen and Logan have been to their share of some GREAT parties. Aren't you keeping up with the Jones' Auntie?????? Her birthday is coming up in a few months.
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