(click to enlarge photos--they're super small for some reason)
1. Fremont Sunday Market adventures
in 70 degree weather, short sleeves & smiles.
Found some awesome silverware from the 30s & 40s
but had to walk away since it was a little pricey at $4 a piece.

2. Only in Seattle would you find a highlighter Audi
parked in front of a highlighter building.

3. Completed our tie dye shirts.
Why are theirs so cute & mine look like I got in a car accident?

4. Visited our old
dorm rooms.
I left a little message since the new occupants weren't home.
(not sure who Grant is...)
5. Soaked up the
sun during a little drive to.....
6. REMEDY! Had to say goodbye to our favorite tea before
saying goodbye to Kate at the airport :(
7. We decided to take our chances with getting into a 21+ concert at El Corazon.
If Washington didn't have the "no minors even allowed to step a pinky toe into the bar" law, we probably could have gotten in & seen
Takeover UK.
8. So....we went across the street, drank delicious
coffee, played a silly game of
scrabble & Anja showed me where she met my most favorite
Ryan Hunter of all time.
9. Took some sweet shots of the
Space Needle on our way home because I know my mom will appreciate these.