Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28---Spring Changes.

Spring has arrived. Well, kinda.
and today I realized that a lot of changes are soon coming my way.
From moving out & completing another year
to finding a job and starting a new major.
So I decided to honor the new changes with a less winter-y looking blog and change up the colors and banner a bit.
So what do you think?
(the banners kinda silly-and no one but kate will appreciate the old man on the left, but i'm satisfied) 



Monday, April 27, 2009

April 26--My Day Filled with Many Frustration Squiggles

Logan & I caught up on this week's SNL rerun which included
Andy & Justin playing Cathy & Irving from the comic strip "Cathy".

After the day that I just had, Andy/Cathy's "Frustration Squiggle" pretty much says it all.

April 25---Today's Adventures...

I got an easter basket in the mail from my parents today and of course while I was trying to open the bag of recess eggs, the bag exploded everywhere, leaving recess eggs all over the kitchen. I used "taking photos of this event for my blog" as a way of getting Logan & Austen go clean it all up for me! I'm the worst cousin...
(but it worked--Austen even got the vacuum out)

Then my Aunt took us on an adventure to Taco Bell...

and Landon needed to make a few phone calls....

April 24---An Unlikely Prom Night

Matt & his friends decided they could find something better to do instead of spending hundreds of dollars on prom this year.
Because of a lack of scheduling coordinating, I ended up having to work for a good portion of the night, so I left the boys to do what they wanted with their prom night. They met up with some of their girl friends before the girls left for prom and had a 5 course dinner at one of their houses (i'm pretty sure the delicious food was the highlight of their night). I don't have any pictures from tonight because by the time I got back to Matt's house, the house was dark and all the guys were sleeping on the floor--it was only 11 PM.

--PROM 2007--

Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 23---"Row Up Yer Windows!!!"

Landon learned how to pump gas today!

Then he got to "drive" us through the drive thru carwash!
He was a little suspicious about it at first, begging us to "row up yer windows!"
but after it started, he realized it was just like Disneyland!

Afterward, we had a small photoshoot of Logan and her friend Juliette
with the scarves I'm going to sell on Etsy.
Landon wanted a picture too (minus the scarf)....
*officially my most favorite picture EVER of Landon*

April 22---"Show Me Your Silly Bathtime Faces...."

April 21---It's Official!

As of 2:00 today, I'm officially gonna be a speech pathologist when I grow up.
(only after 5 more years of school & lots & lots of clinical hours)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 20--Mountain Street Memories

Growing up on Mountain Street, Hunter and I spent a large majority of our time with all of the Hillier kids.
Looking back on our childhood, I immediately connect 2 activities with it:

1. playing an (almost) nightly game of hide & seek (in the dark) with all the kids, until we see the outline of my mom in the driveway and hear the infamous, "MEEEEGHAN, HUUUUNTER, time to come in and get ready for bed." (yes, we were usually the first ones who had to go home)
2. watching Corina, Corina & playing Mancala with the other Meghan & Michael

Tonight when I saw Corina, Corina on TV, I yelled in excitement and begged Matt to watch it with me. He wasn't excited about it, but because I had enough excitement for the both of us, he left it on for me. As we watched the poorly made, classic '90s movie with bad lighting and the occasional microphone in shot, I got to reminisce on the good ole' days while Matt actually got teary eyed!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 19---Preview...

So I've been making candles lately (duh)
and I've made more than I can burn
so I'm going to try my hand at selling them!
(we'll see if it works or not)
I'm in the process of setting up an etsy.com account
so if you're at all interested in a soy, eco-friendly candle
(all containers are recycled from thrift stores/garage sales)
then stay tuned for the web address.

April 18---Study Date with the Boyfriend

Big projects are soon due for both of us.
Homework dating was today's endeavor.

photo edits by Matt White

April 17--Nancy Homemaker & Her Bacon Soap

It looks like bacon.
It smells like bacon.
don't eat it
cuz it's SOAP.

April 16---My Guitar Heros

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 15---Manal is going to kill me

but it was time I captured this.
(atleast I left her face out of it)
she is famous for sleeping on her bed
no matter how many other things are sleeping with her.
last time her bed was full of laundry
and she slept right on top.
i really don't know what I would do without Manal
and the laughter she brings to my life
(in an incredibly good way)

she is so going to get me back for this photo...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 14---Dinner with Uncle "G"

I drove to LAX to have dinner with my Uncle Gary tonight. After almost getting lost twice (I usually take the EASY fly away so I had no idea where I was going) I arrived safely and ready for dinner! He's in town for business and since the last time I saw him was maybe....um....I think, 5 years ago-ish....I decided to make the drive and see my long lost Uncle "G".

April 13--- Liz Logelin Foundation on Oprah

(photo from mattlogelin.com)

A few months ago Teri introduced me to the blog of one of her friends, Matt Logelin.
As I began following his blog and learned of the unique and tragic story that his family went through only a year ago, I quickly became an avid reader (even though I've never actually met him). Today his story was broadcasted on Oprah and if any of you are curious to read more and see adorable photos of his little girl, I high recommend you visit his blog at http://www.mattlogelin.com (even if just to read the welcome message).
He & his daughter, Madeline will capture your heart and his writing will bring tears to your eyes. If you are compelled to, he has started a foundation in his wife's name that would happily except your donation. (click the below photo for more info)

April 12---Happy Easter Day

Went to church and got to catch up with our old small group leader Sarah!

and took a rediculously good looking photo with the boyfriend.

Then off to the cousins cousin's house.
Easter egg hunts for the little ones.

April 11---Meet Flame & Rockin' Tunage

"Step on up to the dance floor---You're free to dance!"

The B-bacher's close family friends came over for dinner and Matt quickly made friends with spunky, 6-year-old Nick. The
boys occupied the upstairs loft and had "boys club", which only after spying on "boys club" had I learned that it consisted of making secret handshakes, guessing each others middle names and jammin' on the guitar.
Nick called up the girls (no adult boys allowed ironically enough) to come see Matt and his concert. Now in order to fully understand this situation, you need to understand how hilarious Nick is. This kid is unlike any other 6-year-old you know. He has the personality of someone 5x his age. His mom called him
an old soul and I think that describes this kid perfectly.
Anyways, as we walked up the stairs to enjoy this concert, Nick announced that he was now to be known as Flame and Matt's new name was now Rockin' Tunage.
His guitar was called "Fire Flame" because their band was "FLAMIN HOT!"
After a few sets Nick announced that we should "step on up to the dance floor--you're free to dance!" so Mama B (aka Isabelle) did just that!
After the show was over, Flame took questions from the crowd (Isabelle, Susanne, Jerry & Nicholas--aka Mama B, Meghan, Linda & Katelyn) then he told Rockin' Tunage that he was awesome and that his playing filled his ears with excitement!

Monday, April 13, 2009

April 10--Zephyrs

Double date at Zephyrs
minus 1 out of the 2 Matts.
Not sure what is going on here
but I kind of love this picture.

April 9---Current Projects



April 8---Nana Makes an Oopsi

I wrote a few weeks ago about my roommate, Manal and my "oops board"....well today I made an oopsi that def. made its way to that board...
Friday afternoon babysitting was underway today when the kids decided they wanted to take their dog, Joey on a walk around our neighborhood. We got our bikes out of the garage, unlocked the gate, and I went inside to put the gate key back on the hook. When I got back outside, Emma had pulled the gate wide open and all 3 kids were waiting patiently for me to give the go ahead to begin riding. I began calling for Joey, but there was no sign of him. I checked inside thinking he was snoozing on his bed and still no sign.
This is when I got worried
since I stupidly left the gate unattended....
We started calling for Joey; still no sign of him.
Jeff jumped in the car and started riding around the neighborhood.
The kids (including a teary eyed, almost hysterical Abby) and I stood on the front lawn calling his name.
Teri and her friend arrived home and got in the car and began searching the neighborhood as well.
My insides churning as I'm realizing this isn't looking very promising.

Just then, the gardner next door informs me that he thinks our dog is in there---> pointing at the garage.
I open the door, and sure enough, I had unknowingly locked poor Joey in the garage after we got our bikes out.....
geez person. all that worry over my simple stupidity.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April 7---Day 5 & Goodbyes

My last 1/2 day in Seattle....

1. Caught up with Maggie & Kelly!

2. Said goodbye to Marcy

3. Got a lesson in driving a stick shift!
It's more difficult than it looks...

3. Drove to the airport with Nick & Aja
5. Said goodbye at the airport :(

April 6---DAY 4 in the Park

Anja had a full day of classes (following our lunch date) so Nick & I enjoyed the sun-shiny day at the Queen Anne Bowl, climbing trees & playing on the merry go round thingy. Alexis joined in on the fun once her classes were over.

I toured Marissa's house later in the day but completely forgot to take the camera out for a photo shoot! It was great to catch up with her (and see her adorable Queen Anne house), especially since it has been about 395205 years since I've seen her!

Monday, April 6, 2009

April 5--- DAY 3 in the even SUNNIER city of Seattle

(click to enlarge photos--they're super small for some reason)

1. Fremont Sunday Market adventures
in 70 degree weather, short sleeves & smiles.
Found some awesome silverware from the 30s & 40s
but had to walk away since it was a little pricey at $4 a piece.

2. Only in Seattle would you find a highlighter Audi
parked in front of a highlighter building.

3. Completed our tie dye shirts.
Why are theirs so cute & mine look like I got in a car accident?

4. Visited our old dorm rooms.
I left a little message since the new occupants weren't home.
(not sure who Grant is...)
5. Soaked up the sun during a little drive to.....
Had to say goodbye to our favorite tea before
saying goodbye to Kate at the airport :(
7. We decided to take our chances with getting into a 21+ concert at El Corazon.
If Washington didn't have the "no minors even allowed to step a pinky toe into the bar" law, we probably could have gotten in & seen Takeover UK.
darn.8. So....we went across the street, drank delicious coffee, played a silly game of scrabble & Anja showed me where she met my most favorite Ryan Hunter of all time.
9. Took some sweet shots of the Space Needle
on our way home because I know my mom will appreciate these.