Last night I had a sleepover with Ben, Abby, and Emma after an afternoon of babysitting. Ben was nice enough to let me borrow his superhero bed (but he was mainly ok with it because he knew I'd leave him a note with stickers afterward)
This morning I was at MHS teaching a couple periods with Schlenks. The photo is of a few girls figuring out which negatives they want to print. Even though I always swore I would never be back at MHS, I am enjoying my job there. Its a lot of fun teaching aspiring photographers how to print their photos in a darkroom (plus I get to spend 2 days a week hanging out with Schlenker which is a ton of fun--and she lets me use the darkroom for my own projects which is quite nice).
I'm back at CSUN now, and getting ready to go to the photo class that I'm taking here. This morning Ben was asking me if I was coming back after I went to MHS today and he couldn't understand the fact that I was spending part of my day teaching a photo class and the other part learning in a photo class. I guess it is kind of confusing.